Yolonde Entsch has a wealth of experience at developing and implementing effective programs which engage and empower participants, creating pathways to enlightenment and better living. She has worked with regional and remote community groups, government organisations and corporations wanting to foster affirmative action and positive outcomes for employees or clients.
CONTACTDeveloped and implemented a phased program designed to provide Indigenous Women living in a remote Australian community, with the training, skills and inspiration required for personal and professional advancement. Fostering a sense of independence and personal pride.
Contact MeA long-term program designed to enhance the lives and empower the women living in 13 isolated villages in Papua New Guinea. Working closely with community, stakeholders, peers, private and public enterprise to create education and opportunity, to enrich women of all ages.
Contact MeCreated a lifestyle design program, exclusively for Chinese women that includes a suite of personal development tools. Called WILD China, it focusses on empowering women as well as business and corporations seeking to empower employees to network and build strong business relationships.
Contact MeBy listening to, and understanding, what clients want to achieve, Yolonde can tailor and implement effective programs to meet those needs. Whether she’s working for a private, public or not-for-profit organisation, she is achieving real outcomes.
Examples include: Encouraging women in the workplace to influence change; A Life Skills Program designed exclusively for Indigenous women; Providing primary health care to people who find themselves homeless; Workshops for women (both young and not so) who want to reimagine their lives; and Engaging women in remote and isolated communities/villages to understand what they want or need to fulfil their lives.
Yolonde has an extensive professional and personal portfolio of experience and contacts and would love to work with you.
For more information contact her today at admin@yolonde.com
A Moon Sick Care Bag contains everything a woman or adolescent girl needs to manage menstruation with dignity and confidence. The provision of Moon Sick Care Bags to extremely disadvantaged women and girls in the Pacific region, either as a gift or at minimal cost, is helping to boost their educational, employment, social and political participation.
The Moon Sick Care Bag Project is a powerful movement bringing like-minded women together to make these convenient, hygienic washable sanitary products.
In remote Australian Aboriginal communities, the Project is upskilling women, providing them with a meaningful and engaging activity as well as generating key income-producing opportunities through sales of the Bags.
In metropolitan areas, the Project offers women who want to ‘give back’ a way to donate their time and skills by making Bags that are given to those in need.
In Cairns, Far North Queensland, Yolonde’s Empowering Women Centre offers a welcoming space where women can come, connect, learn how to make the Bags, receive health education or help other women grow their abilities, self-confidence and self-belief.
Keen to contribute or find out more? Contact Yolonde today on admin@ewec.com.au
© Yolonde Entsch 2024